During the current technology era, the utilization of the decision making process has been leveraged due to its reliability but with particularly strong emphasis on threat intelligence. The evolution of malicious cyber actors have shifted the fundamentals of their attack vector due to changing surfaces which in turn has increased the frequency and boldness of attacks. Factoring in the potential of an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) and the negative impacts to an organization or government entity becomes exponentially more complicated. Deducing negative impacts to a system based upon relevant changes found while analyzing a problem can be seen as the true essence of threat intelligence as it provides considerations regarding tactics, techniques and procedures typically observed during an attack which subsequently, are heavily considered today when managing the potential of elevated risk.

The relevance of Threat intelligence should be weighed by the maturity of an organizations information system and the risk managed by the said organization. Threat Intelligence should not only inform business leaders, but should also be timely, actionable and relevant allowing an organization to incorporate the data/information into an overall decision making process.